More than ever, I'm sure that humidity is my kryptonite...yep, I'm talking about the same radio-active element that can defeat Superman. This may seem dramatic, but humidity truly has a crippling effect on me. Last weekend, for example, John and I (finally) enjoyed a lazy morning together. I was feeling well throughout the morning, so when he suggested walking to a nearby diner for brunch, I didn't think twice. However, as soon as we stepped outside of our air conditioned apartment, my joints quickly retaliated. With each step, the pain intensified and spread. When we made it halfway down our street, my knees and ankles were aching and becoming increasingly stiff. By the time we reached the diner, I was holding onto John for support and struggled to climb even a few stairs into the building. I've never flared up that quickly and it was pretty shocking to both of us.
This experience brought back to a time when my pain was unrelenting, and it definitely threw me for a loop. I started silently panicking and fighting the "blues", wondering if perhaps my medicine was failing again. I needed some reassurance and my friends were there. They reminded me that, no matter how bad I was feeling, there would soon be better days. They shared their own struggles and filled me with hope; something that all-too-quickly dissipates when I'm in pain. Thank you all for being there.
How have you guys been feeling this summer? What makes your pain worse and what makes it better? I know it's tough dealing with the uncertainty, but through the ups and the downs, the summer and the winter, take comfort in the fact that you're never alone.