Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In The Company Of Music

My recent engagement has really tapped into my romantic side; a side that's never too far under the surface with me. And what helps dreamers drift further into their own thoughts? Music. No matter what mood we're in or what we're going through, there will always be a song to match it. By definition, then, we are never really alone and that's a pretty comforting thought. So while everything is wonderful for me right now, that wasn't always the case. Anyone who has been reading this blog for more than a few months knows that.

Living with chronic illness means living with a certain level of uncertainty. I know as well as anyone that, no matter how things might be today, there will be hard days ahead. I'm lucky to have found a medical regimen that works for me. I'm lucky to have more "good days" than "bad days." And, while I'd love to think it will continue like this forever, it might not.

But there is always music. When things were at their worst last fall, I listened to Ingrid Michaelson on repeat. While some of her songs lifted me up, others just allowed me to be right where I was. On some of my worst days, I even attended two of her concerts in New York City (which was the best medicine possible). There's just something about her voice and her lyrics that makes me feel understood. During that time, I played "Keep Breathing" more times than I could count. I thought I'd share it today; not only because it's one of my favorite songs, but because someone out there might need to hear these words today. Sometimes all we can do is just keep breathing...and, really, that's just fine.

Please feel free to comment on this post and share the songs, singers or bands that have accompanied you on your journey. I'd love to hear from all of you!

(Double click on the video below to get a full-screen)



  1. LOVE! music also is a huge component in my healing. this song is great. i recently read jodi picoult's 'sing you home' and this is one of my favorite excerpts, "For better or for worse, music is the language of memory. It is also the language of love."


    mumford and sons the cave

  3. I used to have a whole playlist of songs about overcoming, keep pushing forward and looking to better days. I will try to dig it up for you...but thanks for the post! I am downloading this song right now :)

  4. I love this artist...two of my favorite songs.
    Her music makes me smile and my heart sing!

  5. I love this song

    I makes me feel like I am human and I have a great life even when people don't think so.

  6. What a wonderful song, thanks Maya! I love Case of You by Joni Mitchell, If You Ever did Believe by Stevie Nicks, and Hello World by Belle Perez. All of these make me feel something different. :)

  7. Thanks to you all for your thoughtful comments - I knew I wasn't the only one who felt this way about music! Connecting to another person's art is such a tremendous part of my wellness. Thank you also for the awesome recommendations! I've downloaded them all and am enjoying them as I write this :)
